Howard B Heidenberg, DO

Dr. Howard B Heidenberg, DO

ID: 16515

Tampa, Florida

About Dr. Howard B Heidenberg, DO

This highly qualified urology expert has over 20 years of experience in his field. He earned his BS from Walter Reed Army Medical Center and his DO from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. He completed his internship and two residencies in surgery and urology at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. This expert is very active in his field as a member of several medical societies including the American Urologic Association and the Society of Government Urologists. In addition, he has published 7 peer-reviewed articles and given 5 presentations. He served as the commander of the 150th Medical Detachment stationed in South Korea and the general medical office for Desert Storm. He then became a staff urologist and served as the chief of male infertility and erectile dysfunction at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He currently is a urologist at a private practice, an instructor of surgery, and the chief of urology at a top hospital in Florida.

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