Health Care Worker Contracts MRSA That Goes Undiagnosed and Requires Complicated Heart Surgery

ByMichael Talve, CEO


Updated onOctober 3, 2017

Health Care Worker Contracts MRSA That Goes Undiagnosed and Requires Complicated Heart Surgery

This case involves a 45-year-old woman who contracted a severe MRSA infection most likely while working as a health care provider. She sustained a fall on the job and was originally treated for a lower back sprain and was discharged but over the next few days she became febrile with a rapid pulse, had severe joint pain, and had signs of altered mental health status. The delay in diagnosis resulted in her having to have surgery for a cervical spine abscess, aortic valve surgery for septic emboli, and joint surgery for septic joints.

Question(s) For Expert Witness

1. How likely is it that this person contracted MRSA in the hospital setting?

Expert Witness Response E-000507

inline imageThe general population has a MRSA colonization rate of 1%. Certain groups (i.e. prisoners, people in crowded urban living centers) may have rates of 5-10% colonization. General healthcare workers have only been shown to have a 2% colonization rate, with the emergency department staff's highest rate as high as 5%. These are the low statistics that would be cited against the plaintiff having occupational MRSA. I would like to know whether an open wound injury is involved, which would be necessary for MRSA to breach the skin. Alternatively, depending on the length of hospital stay, IV sites, etc, MRSA may have been hospital-acquired. However, the rates of new acquisition MRSA infections are often Quality Assurance protected information, with the exception of some states that require reporting. If there were more circumstances of potential MRSA acquisition or violation (i.e. length of IV site), it might be possible to determine a cause and effect relationship.

About the author

Michael Talve, CEO

Michael Talve, CEO

Michael Talve stands at the forefront of legal innovation as the CEO and Managing Director of Expert Institute. Under his leadership, the Expert Institute has established itself as a vital player in the legal technology arena, revolutionizing how lawyers connect with world-class experts and access advanced legal technology. Michael's role involves not only steering the company's strategic direction but also ensuring the delivery of unparalleled intelligence and cutting-edge solutions to legal professionals. His work at Expert Institute has been instrumental in enhancing the capabilities of attorneys in case preparation and execution, making a significant impact on the legal industry's approach to expert consultation and technological integration. Michael's vision and execution have positioned the Expert Institute as a key facilitator in the intersection of law and technology.

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